Sunday, July 27, 2008

catching up

i got back from chicago last sunday and wanted to sit and type up some blog entries i've been thinking about, recounting my trip to chicago and start uploading some pictures from boston. and then i realized that i still need to go back and finsih our disney trip. wow. i have a lot of typing ahead of me. but sometime during the week my computer crashed, got a virus, something went very wrong. so i'm still looking for more time to do all this typing i've been wanting to do. so over the next week or so, if you see a long post and want to skip over it, i won't be offended. i'm hoping to get a lot of information out of this head of mine and down where i can look back over it and remember all that i did the summer of 2008. you know this blog is more for me than anyone else! got to catch up so i don't forget anything.

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