Sunday, June 29, 2008

xander's been tagged!

one of xander's friend's "tagged" him to answer some questions about things he likes and does right now at age 4! (thank you makayla! i think he actually enjoyed the interview and he LOVED hearing your answers!)

(all answers are xander's. mom's honor! although I added some comments of my own in paraenthesis after his answers)

first of all. xander is VERY quick to tell you that he is not 4. he is 4 1/2!

eye color: blue

hair color: brownish, reddish

favorite movie: "Camp Rock" (he just finished watching it!)

tv show: "Super Why" and "Boo" on Qubo (big question mark next to that one, cause i've never heard of it and i don't know that he's ever watched it.)

favorite book: the big book (a large book with a collection of awarded children's favorites such as, Crictor, Caps For Sale, Pete's A Pizza, Harold & the Purple Crayon, and If You Give A Mouse A Cookie.

favorite superhero: Buzz Lightyear (it's usually Superman or Spiderman)

favorite vacation: Helen, Georgia (that is huge considering we just go back from Disney World)

favorite sport: baseball (tonight he said, "dad, i'm going to be a famous baseball player someday")

favorite color: red, white, blue (his usual answer is just red. maybe he's feeling patriotic)

favorite food: chicken nuggets, french fries, ketchup & bbq sauce

treat or candy: give it up for skittles! (yes, he really did say "give it up...")

favorite song: "Who's In The Family" by Xander Little (written earlier this evening and performed in front of a live living room audience) and the songs we sing at bedtime - "I'm A Child of God", "I Love to See the Temple", "I Have A Family Here On Earth", "Child's Prayer", "I'm Trying To Be Like Jesus", "Reverence Is Love", "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star", "Rock-a-Bye Baby", and "Away In A Manger". (not all in one night, but these are the standards he asks for)

favorite thing to do at school: play outside

when i grow up i want to be: a firefighter (first time told to Kim Possible at Disney World. she asked him, this was his answer...i'd never heard him mention it before. but he's repeated the answer 3 or 4 times since then)

best friends: wesley, nicholas, jayden, makayla, ethan and lorali, maggie
"but mom, my best, best, bestest, best friend forever is cassidy lane little." (i swear there was very little prompting from me for this answer. i believe my comment to him when i first asked him who his best friends were, went something like "is your sister one of your friends?")

favorite disney character: all of them

favorite thing to do in the summertime: go swimming

1 comment:

Joanna said...

this is the cutest!!! I might have to quiz Ethan this week!!