Saturday, June 21, 2008

camp rock

xander is totally loving the jonas brothers! i even splurged in the grocery store a few weeks ago when he asked me to buy the people magazine that had them on the cover. turned out to be a special issue all about the group. he has looked at it over and over. loves his jobro magazine. while in disney we watched the disney channel while in the hotel. the commercials for camp rock, a new movie with the group in it, were shown every break. when i suggested to xander that we watch it at home he quickly reminded me that we don't have the disney channel. (sounding a little worried?) but when i told him we would go to someone else's house to watch it he was thrilled. so last night we went to our friend's the douglas's (thank you stephanie!) to watch it. he loved it. wanted to listen to the music in the car on the way over and the way home. and was looking so cool playing the air guitar!

1 comment:

Brittney said...

Looks like I am a little behind. I didn't realize there was a new Disney fad (Camp Rock???) Haven't heard of them. That's cute that Xander is so into them though.