Sunday, February 6, 2011

potd 1/31-2/5

i'm going to change things up a bit...after this week i'm going to post sunday through saturday. i don't usually have sunday's picture uploaded yet when i work on my blog post. so, i'll start with the sunday before and go from there. (did anyone really care about that?)

before i start the potd, there is other news that does not have a picture.
we are out two cars right now. and truly it is tough. thanks to rachel, george & pam we've made it to everything that we've needed to be at. and even had their cars to run a few errands. my escape has $4000 worth of repairs that need to be done to it. evidentaly the trailer hitch that hit the front part of the car in the accident that happened in october did quite a bit of damage to the inside. so much that had we had collision insurance they would have totalled the car. radiator, engine mounts, the hood, bumper and grill, transmission hose, another hose....
so, now i have to decide what to do with it. i loved my car. and i know we don't have the money to get another one. i'm being slightly selfish, pardon me.
then there is the old buick that we are driving. the kids call it the hot car, because it doesn't have air conditioning. but it also doesn't have great heat. but, still it is the hot car. well it didn't pass emissions. so todd brought it in. the same day i find out the damage to the escape, todd gets a call from the mechanic and says there are too many things wrong with the buick to try to fix it. it won't be worth it.
well, that was last thursday. then this monday, we pick up the buick and bring it home. hoping to find a place to donate it to and take the write off. we get a call, from someone who wants to help us fix the buick. both todd and i were in tears. thank you.
so as of now, we are still down both cars. waiting on news of the buick and trying to decide what to do with the escape, and most likely looking for another car. we are definitely a two car family.

so, onto the week...

monday 1/31
100 days of school! such a milestone to reach each year. that means only 80 more days left. is it sad that i like to countdown as much as the kids do?
xander's 100thday stuff was on friday, but they didn't ask for anything from home.
cassidy was asked to bring 100 of a food item to add to a 100th day trail mix. she chose lucky charms cereal. but once she started counting them all out, the marshmallows were sticking to her fingers. so she ate the marshmallows and counted out the crunchy cereal pieces instead. (yes, she washed her hands first!)
she also had to wear 100 of something.
we choose sticker foam dots/circles. we counted out 100 of them and stuck them to a white shirt. i got a picture with my cell phone. i'll put it on here when i grab it off there.

tuesday 2/1
we had the missionaries over for dinner tonight. i knew i wanted a potd, but i didn't want the missionaries to feel weird about me taking their pictures and posting it on my blog. well, as usual the evening was never void of conversation or entertainment from the children. and just when we were winding down, xander (who had disappeared upstairs) comes running into the kitchen with his star wars: clone wars helmet on. it sent us all into a fit of hysterics! and then, the elders wanted to try it on. it fit one of them. so, i grabbed my camera and got my potd!
good times with the elders (at least until cassidy can flirt!)wednesday 2/2
yes, i took this picture of myself. yes, i used a self-timer. no, i was not really asleep.
i have been getting so tired at night! i'm not in a master's class right now, but i start a new 8 week class in a week. i'm a little nervous. if i am so tired so early in the evening, how am i going to stay up to get my school work, pre-k work and scrapbook work done? PRIORITIZE! yup. i'll make it work. this will not be me!

thursday 2/3
embarrassing? maybe.
this is all the laundry that made it's way to my bedroom floor.
got it all sorted out tonight. got all mine folded.
will fold the kids stuff tomorrow, or the next day. but at least my floor is cleared and i can see it.friday 2/4
my wonderful friend bought we a very unique gift and i love it!
a necklace with a charm shaped like the state of massachusetts. there is a heart engraved/stamped where maynard should be. is my heart in massachusetts? not too sure, but i do miss it sometimes. don't get me wrong. georgia is great and i have really enjoyed living here. but i still call massachusetts home, and would like to try and live there again someday. (picture is on my cell phone. will post later)

saturday 2/5
a busy day today.
but it started off with a fun birthday party for a boy in the neighborhood, at skate country.
took lots of pictures for the family, but love this one. cute little skates. and a little girl standing all by herself while wearing them. i'm amazed at how well she is doing only her second time trying to skate. she even made it a few steps before falling. but she was determined. after falling one time she told todd she didn't need any help because she wanted to be tough like xander.
x, your little sister is watching you!

1 comment:

Brittney said...

So sorry to hear about the car situation but what a blessing that someone may be able to help with the buick (even if it is a buick). :) I remember being SO grateful for Matt's grandparents giving us their Buick when we needed a car. I had to humble myself a bit to drive it but it was a huge blessing.

Good luck with you master's class. What a load to carry.

When life gets so crazy and you need someone to come and tackle your laundry pile, I am your girl. That's my favorite household chore, aside from vacuuming.

Hang in there and let me know if there's ever anything I can do to help. You are great!