let's say..."all i want for christmas is my (two) front teeth"
xander has been working on his bottom tooth for the last few day and if finally paid off tonight.
we've felt it moving for the last two or three weeks, but wednesday when i picked him up from the sitter's house after school he said he'd been wiggling it all day.
i threatened him if it fell out before we got home and i could take a picture then he'd have to do push ups!
luckily the tooth stayed in and i got my picture.
tonight, he wasn't really playing with it. we had a traumatic afternoon, and i don't think the tooth was on his mind as much.
but when he brushed his teeth the excitement of it came back to him and he showed me how loose it really was. that sorry thing was just barely hanging on, but it didn't seem quite ready.
well, leave it to a six year old, dying to lose his first tooth and a little too much time laying in bed still awake.
back up the stairs and sure enough. he is sitting up in bed holding his tooth up with a slightly bloody grin.
right behind me was todd with the camera (good dad!).
so, if the right bottom one starts wiggling in the next few days we may just be singing that song for real this year.
taken the next morning after finding a note and a $5.00 in the plastic bag...the tooth was gone!
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