Wednesday, December 29, 2010


yup, it s here. my mid-30’s.

don’t know if I’m ready for it.
kids made me breakfast, x made the eggs and c made the toast.
spent the afternoon roller skating with the whole fam (except for todd, who had to work.)
mcdonalds for lunch- this one for the kiddos.
a few attempts to get an [accurate] picture of myself on this day.
“on the border” for dinner – this one for me. way too much food! then home again for ice cream cake

so a whole day and I’m still not so sure.
don’t want to look like I’m a 34 year old mom and teacher…even though I am.

well here are some pictures from the day…

1 comment:

Jen said...

This is coming for me all too soon--next month! I think you look fabulous! Glad you had a good one!