Tuesday, April 17, 2012

student teaching sum up

it could take pages and pages to write all that i did and learned through my student teaching....but then again, I could probably sum it up pretty quick.

This whole experience has been great. I know where my weaknesses are, and some of the same mistakes I made teaching Pre-K, I made here at the elementary school. But overall, I thought I did okay. It is when you hear other people’s comments of you that you realize that maybe what I did was better than okay. I just do what I think is best, not to impress anyone…so it is good when your actions are acknowledged by others.
Today I went into a Kindergarten classroom for 3 hours. I helped as I saw needed and taught a lesson to small groups of students. Later that afternoon I overheard that K teacher telling another K teacher how great it was to have me in the classroom helping out. She complimented my ability to work with the students, talk to them, etc. She did not know that I was in the hallway. Then she came out of her room and saw me as I was passing. She told me she had just complimented the way I helped in the classroom. Small victories!
Then this afternoon I met with the principal. We called it an interview that really wasn’t an interview…because she does not have any openings at the school and although things change, she doesn’t forsee any for the next school year.
I admit I sat there hoping slightly that she would give me some ray of hope or have another school she had heard of that needed someone. But she said that the whole county was the same way. No job openings. Schools are having to let teachers go, and as a result they are not hiring anyone new, just juggling around what they already have.
She said that I could email my resume and she would consider it if anything did come up…after all the certified teachers were in place, and after all para pros (assistant teachers) that had their certification were in place, and then if she had a para pro opening or a long term substitute need she would give me a call.
I’m afraid that the news is the same for the county I live in too. Gwinnett County is huge, but they are not hiring either.
I’ll take the next steps I need to become a substitute on the county lists…but really I don’t want to be a substitute.
I have to pray for a miracle.
Do you pray? Do believe in prayer? If so…then pray for a miracle.
Anyway, I stayed up tonight to make a gift for my cooperating teacher. It was something I’ve made before, so not hard at all, just had to wait for a few things to dry.
Last day. I might be more nervous about last day than my first day.
I don’t like to make big scenes or have a fuss made over me. But I have a feeling that it is going to be harder to leave than just walking out. I’ve already cleaned out my desk and brought it all home, so I’m not carrying some ridiculous bags or boxes when I leave tomorrow. Just my laptop, purse and lunch bag.
There is my story for now. I’m nervous about how it is all going to work out. But I’m going to have faith that things will work out as they need to, and the way they should. I’m praying for a school that is a good fit for me, and for the kids (cause I can take them to whatever school I get hired at), and that I’ll be in the right place for the students that come through my classroom.

my last day...
The day was hysterical. I think I laughed 90% of the time. The kids begged me to stay. Told me that I was ordered to stay. Begged me not to go. Begged me to take them home with me. Told me that my professor had called and said that I failed…so I had to stay. Told me my class wasn’t over until the end of the year, so I had to stay. Told me that Mrs. Griffin (my cooperating teacher) couldn’t do it without me and I had to stay to help her. Even offered my the empty classroom in the Kindergarten hallway and said they would put a sign out in front of the school saying "Students Wanted" 
It was comical. I laughed and laughed. I videoed three performances of  different songs written just for me. Again, with begging included.
I gave my gifts…and they gave me some. A metal bucket with teacher supplies, A&W root beer and Kit Kats. And a stool. Not in the bucket, it’s too big. But a kitchen stool, painted with bright colors. And the seat of the stool was signed by every student in my class, and the other third grade teachers. Many of the teachers I said goodbye to today told me that they hoped there was an opening there at their school so I could come back. (They don’t know what the principal told me yesterday.)
Overall, great great day!
Gonna get started on emailing principals and signing up to substitute. Doing everything I can do, and the Lord with help with the rest. I must have faith.